
Capsella rubella

From GreeNC

Capsella rubella.jpg
This release is based on the genome version v1.0 (Phytozome internal code 183)


List of genes transcribing a lncRNA. Click to "More genes" to see the whole list or click to "More transcripts" to see the whole list of lncRNAs in Capsella rubella.

Gene alias Chrom. Start End Num. of lncRNAs
Crubella Carubv10000002m.g scaffold_72 12066 12649 1
Crubella Carubv10000005m.g scaffold_763 800 1048 1
Crubella Carubv10000016m.g scaffold_55 26700 27251 1
Crubella Carubv10002163m.g scaffold_6 9228296 9228885 1
Crubella Carubv10002216m.g scaffold_6 8800896 8802043 1