
Volvox carteri

From GreeNC

Volvox carteri.jpg
This release is based on the genome version v2.1 (Phytozome internal code 317)


List of genes transcribing a lncRNA. Click to "More genes" to see the whole list or click to "More transcripts" to see the whole list of lncRNAs in Volvox carteri.

Gene alias Chrom. Start End Num. of lncRNAs
Vcarteri Vocar.0001s0018 scaffold_1 161732 163479 1
Vcarteri Vocar.0001s0036 scaffold_1 334353 335645 1
Vcarteri Vocar.0001s0101 scaffold_1 817324 817896 1
Vcarteri Vocar.0001s0138 scaffold_1 1113989 1115093 1
Vcarteri Vocar.0001s0154 scaffold_1 1229661 1230784 1